Leonard Kleinrock

Journals and Conferences

Papers Published in Professional and Scholarly Journals and in Procedings of Conferences and Symposia

  1. C. Ferguson and L. Kleinrock. Optimal Update Times for Stale Information Metrics Including the Age of Information. In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory (2023), vol. 4, p. 734-746.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  2. Z. He and L. Kleinrock. Optimization of Assisted Search Over Server-Mediated Peer-to-peer Networks. In IEEE Globecom 2022 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2022).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  3. L. Kleinrock and R. Ostrovsky and V. Zikas. Proof-of-Reputation Blockchain with Nakamoto Fallback. In INDOCRYPT 2020 (2020).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  4. L. Kleinrock. To Mario Gerla, the Maestro of Networks. In Ad Hoc Networks (2019), vol. 88, p. 178-179.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  5. L. Kleinrock. Internet Congestion Control Using the Power Metric: Keep the Pipe Just Full, But No Fuller. In Ad Hoc Networks (2018), p. 142-157.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  6. R. Laufer and L. Kleinrock. The Capacity of Wireless CSMA/CA Networks. In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (2016), vol. 24, p. 1518-1532.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  7. L. Fratta and M. Gerla and L. Kleinrock. Flow Deviation: 40 years of incremental flows for packets, waves, cars and tunnels. In Computer Networks (2014), vol. 66, p. 18-31.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  8. R. Laufer and L. Kleinrock. On the Capacity of Wireless CSMA/CA Multihop Networks. In INFOCOM (2013).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  9. N. Nguyen, L. Kleinrock, and P. Reiher. Debugging Ubiquitous Computing Applications With the Interaction Analyzer. In International Journal on Advances in Software (2012), vol. 5, p. 345-357.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  10. V. Pournaghshband and L. Kleinrock and P. Reiher and A. Afanasyev. Controlling Applications by Managing Network Characteristics. In Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2012 Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium (2012).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  11. R. Laufer and P.B. Velloso and L.F.M. Vieira and Leonard Kleinrock. PLASMA: A New Routing Paradigm for Wireless Multihop Networks. In IEEE INFOCOM \'2012 Mini-Conference, Orlando, USA (March, 2012).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  12. R. Laufer and H. Dubois-Ferriere and Leonard Kleinrock. Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Multirate Anypath Routing in Wireless Multihop Networks. In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol 20 No. 3, pp. 743-755 (June 2012).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  13. M. Gerla and L. Kleinrock. Vehicular networks and the future of the mobile internet. In Computer Networks (2011), vol. 55, p. 457-469.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  14. N. Nguyen and L. Kleinrock and P. Reiher. The Interaction Analyzer: A Tool for Debugging Ubiquitous Computing Applications. In Ubicomm (2011), p. 138-144.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  15. Kleinrock, L.. An early history of the internet [History of Communications]. In Communications Magazine, IEEE (2010), vol. 48, p. 26-36.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  16. A. Afanasyev and N. Tilley and P. Reiher and L. Kleinrock. Host-to-host congestion control for TCP. In IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials (2010), vol. 12, p. 304-342. Best Tutorial Paper Award for 5-year period from 2006-2010   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  17. Laufer, R. and Dubois-Ferriere, H. and Kleinrock, L.. Multirate Anypath Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks. In INFOCOM 2009, IEEE (April 2009), p. 37-45.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  18. Ramakrishna, V. and Reiher, P. and Kleinrock, L.. Distributed policy resolution through negotiation in ubiquitous computing environments. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) (March 2009), p. 1-10.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  19. Kolias, C. and Kleinrock, L.. Multiple Input Queueing in Packet Switches. In IEEE Communications Letters (2008), vol. 12, p. 209--209.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  20. Kleinrock, L.. History of the Internet and Its Flexible Future. In IEEE Wireless Communications (2008), p. 8--18.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  21. Marfia, G. and Sentivelli, A. and Tewari, S. and Gerla, M. and Kleinrock, L.. Will IPTV Ride the Peer-to-Peer Stream?. In IEEE Communications Magazine Special Issue on Peer-to-Peer Streaming (2007).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  22. Tewari, S. and Kleinrock, L.. Analytical Model for BitTorrent-Based Live Video Streaming. In Proceedings of IEEE NIME 2007 Workshop (Las Vegas, NV, January 2007).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  23. Tewari, S. and Kleinrock, L.. Optimal Search Performance in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks with Clustered Demands. In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (2007), vol. 25.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  24. Das, S. and Tewari, S. and Kleinrock, L.. The Case for Servers in a Peer-to-Peer World. In Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2006 (Istanbul, Turkey, June 2006).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  25. Tewari, S. and Kleinrock, L.. Optimal Search Performance in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks with Clustered Demands. In Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2006 (Istanbul, Turkey, June 2006).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  26. Tewari, S. and Kleinrock, L.. Proportional Replication in Peer-to-Peer Networks. In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2006 (Barcelona, Spain, April 2006).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  27. Nandan, A. and Tewari, S. and Das, S. and Kleinrock, L.. Modeling Epidemic Query Dissemination in AdTorrent Network. In Proceedings of IEEE NIME 2006 Workshop (Las Vegas, NV, January 2006).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  28. Nandan, A. and Tewari, S. and Das, S. and Gerla, M. and Kleinrock, L.. AdTorrent: Delivering Location Cognizant Advertisements to Car Networks. In Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP WONS 2006 (Les Menuires, France, January 2006).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  29. L. Kleinrock. A Vision for the Internet. In ST Journal for Research (2005), vol. 2, p. 4--5.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  30. Tewari, S. and Kleinrock, L.. Search Time in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks with Clustered Demands. In Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM 2005 (St Louis, MO, November 2005).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  31. Tewari, S. and Kleinrock, L.. Analysis of Search and Replication in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks. In Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS 2005 (Banff, Canada, June 2005).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  32. Tewari, S. and Kleinrock, L.. On Fairness, Optimal Download Performance and Proportional Replication in Peer-to-Peer Networks. In Proceedings of IFIP Networking 2005 (Waterloo, Canada, May 2005).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  33. L. Kleinrock. The Internet Rules of Engagement: Then and Now. In Elsevier Ltd (2004), p. 193--207.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  34. K. Eustice and L. Kleinrock and S. Markstrum and G. Popek and V. Ramakrishna and P. L. Reiher. Securing WiFi Nomads: The Case for Quarantine, Examination, and Decontamination. In New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW) (August 2003).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  35. L. Kleinrock. An Internet Vision: The Invisible Global Infrastructure. In AdHoc NETWORKS JOURNAL (2003.), vol. 1, p. 3--11.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  36. K. Eustice and L. Kleinrock and S. Markstrum and G. J. Popek and V. Ramakrishna and P. L. Reiher. Enabling Secure Ubiquitous Interactions. In Proceedings of Middleware 2003 Workshop (June 2003), p. 76--80.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  37. R. Iyer and L. Kleinrock. QoS Control for Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of ICC'03 (Anchorage, Alaska, May 2003), vol. 1, p. 517--521.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  38. L. Kleinrock. Creating a Mathematical Theory of Computer Networks. In INFORMS, Operations Research (2002), vol. 50, p. 125--131.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  39. Ian F. Akyildiz and David J. Goodman and L. Kleinrock. Guest Editorial: Mobility and Resource Management in Next Generation Wireless Systems. In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (2001), vol. 19.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  40. L. Kleinrock. Breaking Loose. In Communications of the ACM (2001), vol. 44, p. 41--45.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  41. L. Kleinrock. On Some Principles of Nomadic Computing and Multi-Access Communications. In IEEE Communications Magazine (2000), p. 46--50.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  42. Jiang, Z. and L. Kleinrock. A Packet Selection Algorithm for Adaptive Transmission of Smoothed Video over a Wireless Channel. In IEEE Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (2000), vol. 60, p. 494--509.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  43. B. R. Badrinath and A. Fox and L. Kleinrock and G. J. Popek and P. L. Reiher and M. Satyanarayanan. A Conceptual Framework for Network and Client Adaptation. In Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) (2000), vol. 5, p. 221--231.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  44. Kleinrock, L.. Nomadic Computing and Smart Spaces. In IEEE Internet Computing (2000), vol. 4, p. 52--53.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  45. Kolias, C. and L. Kleinrock. Performance Analysis of Multiplane Nonblocking ATM Switches. In Proceedings of Globecom'98 (Sydney, Australia, November 1998), p. 356--362.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  46. Kolias, C. and L. Kleinrock. The Power Function as a Performance and Comparison Measure for ATM Switches. In Proceedings of Globecom'98 (Sydney, Australia, November 1998), p. 381--386.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  47. Jiang, Z. and L. Kleinrock. Web Prefetching in a Mobile Environment. In IEEE Personal Communications (1998), vol. 5, p. 25-34.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  48. Kolias, C. and L. Kleinrock. On the Odd-Even ATM Switch. In Electronics Letters (1998), vol. 34, p. 576--577.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  49. Z. Jiang and L. Kleinrock. A General Optimal Video Smoothing Algorithm. In Proceedings of INFOCOM'98 (San Francisco, CA, March 29-April 2, 1998).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  50. Kolias, C. and L. Kleinrock. The Odd-Even ATM Switch. In IEICE Transactions on Communications (1998), vol. E81B, p. 244--250.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  51. Jiang, Z. and L. Kleinrock. An Adaptive Network Prefetch Scheme. In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (1998), vol. 16, p. 358--368.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  52. Kleinrock, L.. Nomadic Computing. In Selected Proceedings of Third INFORMS Telecommunications Conference (Keynote Address), (Conference date March 20-22, 1995) (Boca Raton, Florida, June 1997), vol. 7, p. 5--15.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  53. Jiang, Z. and Kleinrock, L.. Prefetching Links on the WWW. In Proceedings of ICC'97 (Montreal Canada, June 8-12, 1997), p. 483--489.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  54. Hu, P-C. and Kleinrock, L.. An Analytical Model for Wormhole Routing with Finite Size Input Buffers. In Proceedings of 15th International Teletraffic Congress (Washington, DC, June 23-27, 1997), p. 549--560.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  55. Kolias, C. and L. Kleinrock. The Dual-Banyan (DB) Switch: A High Performance Buffered-Banyan ATM Switch. In ICC'97 (Montreal, Canada, June 1997), p. 770--776.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  56. Hu, P-C and L. Kleinrock. A Dynamic Timeout Scheme for Wormhole Routing Networks. In Proceedings of ICC'97 (Montreal, Canada, June 1997), p. 1406-1410.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  57. Leiner, B. and V. Cerf and D. Clark and R. Kahn and L. Kleinrock and D. Lynch and J. Postel and L. Roberts and S.Wolff. Past and Future History of the Internet. In Communications of the ACM (1997), vol. 40, p. 102--108.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  58. Kwan, B. and Hu, P-C. and Bambos N. and Kleinrock L.. Best-Effort Bandwidth Reservation in High-Speed LANs Using Wormhole Routing. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (Rockville, MD, October 16-19, 1996), p. 201--206.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  59. Hu, Po-Chi and Kleinrock, L.. A Simple Host Deflection Scheme for High-Speed LANs Using Wormhole Routing. In Proceedings of ICNP\'96, (International Conference on Network Protocols) (Columbus, OH, October 29--November 1, 1996), p. 124--131.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  60. Kolias, C. and L. Kleinrock. The Odd-Even Input-Queueing ATM Switch: Performance Evaluation. In Proceedings of ICC'96 (June 23-27, 1996), p. 1674--1679.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  61. Kleinrock, L.. Nomadic Computing. In Information Network and Data Communication, IFIP/ICCC International Conference on Information Network and Data Communication (Trondheim, Norway, June 1996), p. 223--233.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  62. Kleinrock, L. and J. Major. Computing and Communications Unchained: The Virtual World. In Proceedings of CSTB's 10th Anniversary Symposium - Defining a Decade (Washington, DC, May 1996), p. 36--46.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  63. Tung, B. and L. Kleinrock. Using Finite State Automata to Produce Self-Optimization and Self Control. In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (1996), vol. 7, p. 439--448.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  64. Alwan, A. and Bagrodia, R. and Bambos, N. and Gerla, M. and Kleinrock, L. and Short, J. and Villasenor, J.. Adaptive Mobile Multimedia Networks. In IEEE Personal Communications Magazine (1996), vol. 3, p. 34--49.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  65. Bambos, N. and J. Bannister and L. Bergman, J. Cong and E. Gafni and M. Gerla and L. Kleinrock and S. Monacos and P-C Hu and B. Kannan and B. Kwan and P. Palnati and J. Peck and S. Walton. The Supercomputer Supernet (SSN): A High-Speed Electro-Optic Campus and Metropolitan Network. In SPIE Conference (February 1996), vol. 2692, p. 22--33.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  66. Kolias, C. and L. Kleinrock. Throughput Analysis of Multiple Input-Queueing in Atm Switches. In IFIP-IEEE Broadband Communications (1996), p. 382-393.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  67. Kleinrock, L. and Gerla, M. and Bambos, N. and Cong, J. and Gafni, E. and Bergman, L. and Bannister, J. and Monacos, S. and Bujewski, T. and Hu, P.-C. and Kannan, B. and Kwan, B. and Leonardi, E. and Peck, J. and Palnati, Prasasth and Walton, S.. The Supercomputer Supernet Testbed: A WDM Based Supercomputer Interconnect. In JSAC/JLT Special Issue on Optical Technologies & Networks (1996), vol. 14, p. 1388-1399.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  68. Jain, R. and A. Alwan and M. Gerla and L. Kleinrock and J. Villasenor and B.Belzer and W.Boring and S. Molloy and S. Nazareth and M. Siequeira and J. Short and J. Tsai. Multimedia Wireless Networking. In Proceedings SPIE\'96 (1996).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  69. Kleinrock, L.. Nomadicity: Anytime, Anywhere in a Disconnected World. In Mobile Networks and Applications (invited paper) (1996), vol. 1, p. 351--357.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  70. Bagrodia, R. and M. Gerla and L. Kleinrock and J. Short and T-C Tsai. A Hierarchical Simulation Environment for Mobile Wireless Networks. In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (December 3-6, 1995), p. 563--570.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  71. Bagrodia, R. and W. Chu and L. Kleinrock and G. Popek. Vision, Issues, and Architecture for Nomadic Computing. In IEEE Personal Communications (1995), p. 14--27.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  72. Short, J. and R. Bagrodia and L. Kleinrock. Mobile Wireless Network System Simulation. In Proceedings of ACM Mobile Computing & Networking Conference (Mobicom 95) (November 1995), p. 195--209.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  73. Jain, R. and J. Short and L. Kleinrock and J. Villasenor. PC-Notebook Based Mobile Networking: Algorithms, Architectures and Implementations. In Proceedings of ICC\'95 (June 1995), vol. 2.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  74. Hu, P-C and L. Kleinrock. A Queueing Model for Wormhole Routing with Timeout. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, ICCCN'95 (May 1995), p. 584-593.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  75. Kleinrock, L.. Nomadic Computing---an Opportunity. In ACM SIGCOMM, Computer Communication Review (1995), vol. 25, p. 36-40. (ACM SIGCOMM Test of Time Paper Award)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  76. Short, J. and R. Bagrodia and L. Kleinrock. Mobile Wireless Network System Simulation. In Wireless Networks Journal (1995), vol. 1, p. 451--467.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  77. Kleinrock, L. and Gerla, M. and Bambos, N. and Cong, J. and Gafni, E. and Bergman, L. and Bannister, J.. The Supercomputer Supernet: A Scalable Distributed Terabit Network. In Journal of High Speed Networks, Special Issue on Optical Networks (1995), vol. 4, p. 407-424.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  78. Kleinrock, L. and D. Nielsen. Data Structures and Algorithms for Extended State Space and Structural Level Reduction of the GSPN Model. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets (Zaragoza, June 20-24, 1994).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  79. Kleinrock, L.. On the Modeling and Analysis of Computer Networks. In Special Issue of IEEE Proceedings (1993), p. 1179--1191.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  80. Tung, B. and L. Kleinrock. Distributed Control Methods. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (Spokane, Washington, July 21-23, 1993), p. 206--215.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  81. Kleinrock, L. and W. Korfhage. Collecting Unused Processing Capacity: An Analysis of Transient Distributed Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (1993), p. 535--546.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  82. Huang, J.H. and L. Kleinrock. Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Sharing of Processors in Two-Stage Parallel Processing Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (1993), vol. 4, p. 306--317.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  83. Lin, T-I. and Kleinrock, L.. Performance Analysis of the Finite-Buffered 'Turn-Back' Multistage Interconnection Network. In Proceedings of the IFIP Workshop TC6 (La Martinique, French Carribean Island, January 25-27, 1993), p. 3--22.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  84. Lu, J. C. and Kleinrock, L.. A WDMA Protocol for Multichannel DQDB Networks. In Proceedings of the GLOBECOM '93 (January 1993), p. 149--153.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  85. Felderman, R. and L. Kleinrock. Two Processor Time Warp Analysis: Capturing the Effects of Message Queueing and Rollback/State Saving Costs. In Memorial Issue for Felix Pollaczek. AEU special issue \"Teletraffic Theory and Engineering\" (1993), vol. 47, p. 353--367.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  86. Lu, J. and L. Kleinrock. A Wavelength Division Multiple Access Protocol for High-Speed Local Area Networks with a Passive Star Topology. In Performance Evaluation (1992), vol. 16, p. 223--239.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  87. Huang, J.H. and L. Kleinrock. Throughput Analysis and Protocol Design for CSMA and BTMA Protocols under Noisy Environment. In IEE Proceedings-I (1992), vol. 139, p. 289--296.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  88. Kleinrock, L. and J. H. Huang. On Parallel Processing Systems: Amdahl's Law Generalized and Some Results on Optimal Design. In IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Special issue on Performance Evaluation Methodology (invited paper) (1992), vol. 18, p. 434--447.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  89. Kleinrock, L.. The Latency/Bandwidth Tradeoff in Gigabit Networks. In IEEE Communications Magazine (1992), vol. 30, p. 36--40.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  90. Lu, Jonathan and L. Kleinrock. An Access Protocol for High-Speed Optical LANs. In Proceedings of the 20th Annual Computer Science Conference (Kansas City, Missouri, March 3-5, 1992), p. 287--293.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  91. Lu, J. and L. Kleinrock. On the Performance of Wavelength Division Multiple Access Networks. In Proceedings of the ICC\'92 (Chicago, IL, 1992), p. 1151--1157.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  92. Shen, S. and L. Kleinrock. The Virtual Time Data Parallel Machine. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society 4th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation (McLean, VA, 1992), p. 46--53.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  93. Kleinrock, L. and F. Mehovic. Poisson Winner Queues. In Performance Evaluation (1992), vol. 14, p. 79--101.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  94. Lu, J. C. and L. Kleinrock. Performance Analysis of Single-Hop Wavelength Division Multiple Access Networks. In Journal of High-Speed Networks (1992), vol. 1, p. 61--77.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  95. Kleinrock, L. and R. Felderman. Two Processor Time Warp Analysis: A Unifying Approach. In International Journal in Computer Simulation (1992), vol. 2, p. 345--371. (Also UCLA Technical Report CSD-920034.)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  96. Horng, Ming-Yun and L. Kleinrock. Fault-Tolerant Routing with Regularity Restoration in Boolean N-Cube Interconnection Networks. In Proceedings of the Third IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing (Dallas, Texas, December 2-5, 1991), p. 458--465.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  97. Horng, Ming-Yun and L. Kleinrock. On the Performance of a Deadlock-Free Routing Algorithm for Boolean N-Cube Interconnection Networks with Finite Buffers. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing (Austin, TX, August 12-16, 1991), p. III-228--III-232.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  98. Felderman, R. and L. Kleinrock. Two Processor Conservative Simulation Analysis. In Proceedings of the PADS Workshop (Newport Beach, CA, June 1991). (Also, Information Science Institute Tech.Rept. ISI/RS-92-299)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  99. Harinarayan, V. and L. Kleinrock. Load Sharing in Limited Access Distributed Systems. In Proceedings of the ACM Sigmetrics, Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (San Diego, CA, May 21-24, 1991), vol. 19, p. 21--25.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  100. Lin, T.I. and L. Kleinrock. Performance Analysis of Finite-Buffered Multistage Interconnection Networks with a General Traffic Pattern. In Proceedings of the ACM Sigmetrics, Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (San Diego, CA, May 21-24, 1991), vol. 19, p. 68--78.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  101. Kleinrock, L.. ISDN---the Path to Broadband Networks. In Proceedings of the IEEE (invited paper) (February 1991), vol. 79, p. 112-117. Special Issue on ISDN   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  102. Felderman, R. and L. Kleinrock. Two Processor Time Warp Analysis: Some Results on a Unifying Approach. In Advances in Parallel and Distributed Simulation, Proceedings of the SCS Multiconference (Anaheim, CA, January 23-25, 1991), vol. 23, p. 3--10.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  103. Levy, H. and L. Kleinrock. Polling Systems with Zero Switch-over Periods: A General Method for Analyzing the Expected Delay. In Performance Evaluation (1991), vol. 13, p. 97--107.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  104. Felderman, R. and L. Kleinrock. Bounds and Approximations for Self-Initiating Distributed Simulation without Lookahead. In ACM Transactions on Modelling and Computer Simulation, special issue on Distributed and Parallel Simulation Performance (1991), vol. 1, p. 386-406. (Also, Information Sciences Institute Tech.Rept. ISI/RS-92-298)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  105. Kleinrock, L.. On Distributed Systems Performance. In Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Special Issue (1990), vol. 20, p. 209--216.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  106. Huang, J.H. and L. Kleinrock. Distributed Selectsort Sorting Algorithms on Broadcast Communication Networks. In Parallel Computing (1990), vol. 16, p. 183--190.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  107. Rosenberg, C. and R. Mazumdar and L. Kleinrock. On the Analysis of Exponential Queuing Systems with Randomly Changing Arrival Rates: Stability Conditions and Finite Buffer Scheme with a Resume Level. In Performance Evaluation (1990), vol. 11, p. 283--292.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  108. Kleinrock, L. and H. Levy. On the Behavior of a Very Fast Bidirectional Bus Network. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1990), vol. 38, p. 1854--1862.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  109. Huang, J-H. and L. Kleinrock. Optimal Parallel Merging and Sorting Algorithms Using $sqrtN$ Processors without Memory Contention. In Parallel Computing (1990), vol. 14, p. 89--97.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  110. Felderman, R. and L. Kleinrock. An Upper Bound on the Improvement of Asynchronous Versus Synchronous Distributed Processing. In The Society for Computer Simulation, Distributed Simulation 1990 (January 1990), p. 131-136.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  111. Kleinrock, L.. On Distributed Systems Performance. In Proceedings of the 7th ITC Specialist Seminar (Australia, September 1989).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  112. Kleinrock, L. and W. Korfhage. Collecting Unused Processing Capacity: An Analysis of Transient Distributed Systems. In reprinted from, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, San Diego, June 5-9, 1989, for The Computer Society of the IEEE (1989), p. 482-489.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  113. Akavia, G. and L. Kleinrock. Hierarchical Use of Dedicated Channels. In Performance Evaluation, An International Journal (1989), vol. 9, p. 135--142.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  114. Felderman, R. and E. Schooler and L. Kleinrock. The Benevolent Bandit Laboratory: A Testbed for Distributed Algorithms. In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, (JSAC) (1989), vol. 7, p. 303--311.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  115. Gerla, M. and L. Kleinrock. Congestion Control in Interconnected LAN's. In IEEE Network (1988), vol. 2, p. 72--76.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  116. Kleinrock, L. and Hanoch Levy. The Analysis of Random Polling Systems. In Journal of Operations Research (1988), vol. 36, p. 716--732.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  117. Kleinrock, L. and H. Levy. On the Behavior of a Very Fast Bidirectional Bus Network. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC '87) (Seattle, Washington, June 7-10, 1987), vol. 3, p. 1419--1426.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  118. Takagi, H. and L. Kleinrock. Correction to `Throughput Analysis for Persistent CSMA Systems'. In Correspondence item, IEEE Transactions on Communications (1987), vol. COM-35, p. 243--245.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  119. Kleinrock, L. and J. Silvester. Spatial Reuse in Multihop Packet Radio Networks. In invited paper for Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Packet Radio Networks (1987), vol. 75, p. 156--167.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  120. Takagi, H. and L. Kleinrock. Approximate Output Processes in Hidden-User Packet Radio Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1986), vol. COM-34, p. 685--693.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  121. Kleinrock, L.. Performance Models for Distributed Systems. In invited paper (and keynote presentation) for Teletraffic Analysis and Computer Performance Evaluation, the Proceedings of the International Seminar held at The Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (Amsterdam, June 2-6, 1986), p. 1--16.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  122. Dechter, R. and L. Kleinrock. Broadcast Communications and Distributed Algorithms. In IEEE Transactions on Computers (1986), vol. C-35, p. 210--219.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  123. Levy, H. and L. Kleinrock. A Queue with Starter and a Queue with Vacations: Delay Analysis by Decomposition. In Operations Research (1986), vol. 34, p. 426-436. (cover article)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  124. Takagi, H. and L. Kleinrock. Throughput-Delay Characteristics of Some Slotted-ALOHA Multihop Packet Radio Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1985), vol. COM-33, p. 1200--1207.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  125. Takagi, H. and L. Kleinrock. Output Processes in Contention Packet Broadcasting Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1985), vol. COM-33, p. 1191--1199. (Also UCLA CSD Report No. 821006.)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  126. Kleinrock, L.. Distributed Systems. In invited paper for ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Special Issue: Communications of the ACM (1985), vol. 28, p. 1200--1213. (Also in Computer, Vol. 18, No. 11, pp. 90-103.)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  127. Takagi, H. and L. Kleinrock. Mean Packet Queueing Delay in a Buffered Two User CSMA/CD System. In published as Correspondence in IEEE Transactions on Communications (1985), vol. COM-33, p. 1136--1139.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  128. Molle, M. L. and L. Kleinrock. Virtual Time CSMA: Why Two Clocks Are Better Than One. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1985), vol. COM-33, p. 919--933.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  129. Nelson, R. and L. Kleinrock. Spatial TDMA: A Collision Free Multihop Channel Access Protocol. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1985), vol. COM-33, p. 934--944.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  130. Nelson, R. and L. Kleinrock. Rude-CSMA, a Multihop Channel Access Protocol. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1985), vol. COM-33, p. 785--791.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  131. Takagi, H. and L Kleinrock. Throughput Analysis for Persistent CSMA Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1985), vol. COM-33, p. 627--638.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  132. Kleinrock, L.. On Queueing Problems in Random Access Communications. In invited paper for IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Special Issue (1985), vol. I5-31, p. 166--175.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  133. Kleinrock, L.. On the Theory of Distributed Processing. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (Urbana-Champaign, October 1984), p. 60-70.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  134. Nelson, R. and L. Kleinrock. The Spatial Capacity of a Slotted ALOHA Multihop Packet Radio Network with Capture. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1984), vol. COM-32, p. 684-694.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  135. Takagi, H. and L. Kleinrock. Optimal Transmission Ranges for Randomly Distributed Packet Radio Terminals. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1984), vol. COM-32, p. 246-257. (Also "Multiple Access Communications, Foundations for Emerging Technologies", Norman Abramson (Ed.), IEEE Press, 1992, pp.342-353.)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  136. Takagi, H. and L. Kleinrock. Diffusion Process Approximation for the Queueing Delay in Contention Packet Broadcasting Systems. In Performance of Computer Communication Systems (Zurich, March 21-23, 1984), p. 111--124.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  137. Kleinrock, L. and G. Akavia. On a Self-Adjusting Capability of ALOHA Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1984), vol. COM-32, p. 40--47.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  138. Gerla, M. and Kleinrock, L. and Y. Afek. A Distributed Routing Algorithm for Unidirectional Networks. In reprinted from IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM '83 (San Diego, CA., December 1983), p. 19.3.1--19.3.5.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  139. Silvester, J.Silvester and L. Kleinrock. On the Capacity of Multihop Slotted ALOHA Networks with Regular Structure. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1983), vol. 31, p. 974--982.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  140. Silvester, J. and L. Kleinrock. On the Capacity of Single-Hop ALOHA Networks for Various Traffic Matrices and Transmission Strategies. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1983), vol. 31, p. 983--991.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  141. Nelson, R. and L. Kleinrock. Maximum Probability of Successful Transmission in a Random Planar Packet Radio Network. In IEEE Infocom '83 Proceedings (San Diego, California, April 18-21 1983), p. 365--370.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  142. Belghith, A. and L. Kleinrock. A Distributed Routing Scheme with Mobility Handling in Stationless Multi-Hop Packet Radio Networks. In ACM SIGCOMM\\\'83 Proceedings (Austin, Texas, March 9 1983), vol. 13, p. 101--108. (Packet Radio Temporary Note 313)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  143. Scholl, M. and L. Kleinrock. On an M/G/1 Queue with Rest Period and Certain Service Independent Queueing Disciplines. In Operations Research (1983), vol. 31, p. 705--719.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  144. Naylor, W. E. and L. Kleinrock. Stream Communication in Packet-Switched Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1982), p. 2527--2534.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  145. Nelson, R. and L. Kleinrock. Mean Message Delay in Multi-Hop Packet Radio Networks Using Spatial-TDMA. In Conference Record, International Conference on Communications (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 13-17 1982), p. 1C.4.1--1C.4.4.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  146. Kleinrock, L.. Packet Switching Principles. In Proceedings of the L. M. Ericsson Award Ceremony (Stockholm, Sweden, May 5 1982). (Also as a special editorial in Journal of Telecommunication Networks, Spring 1983, as well as in Ericsson Reviews.)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  147. Kleinrock, L.. A Decade of Network Development. In Journal of Telecommunication Networks (1982), p. 1--11.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  148. Kleinrock, L. and A. Nilsson. On Optimal Scheduling Algorithms for Time-Shared Systems. In Journal of the ACM (1981), vol. 28, p. 477-486.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  149. Gail, R. and L. Kleinrock. An Invariant Property of Computer Network Power. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Communications (Denver, Colorado, June 14-18, 1981), p. 63.1.1-63.1.5.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  150. Kamoun, F. and L. Kleinrock and R. Muntz. Queueing Analysis of the Ordering Issue in a Distributed Database Concurrency Control Mechanism. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (Paris, France, April 1981), p. 13--23.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  151. Kermani, P. and L. Kleinrock. A Tradeoff Study of Switching Systems in Computer Communication Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Computers (1980), vol. C-29, p. 1052--1060.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  152. Grnarov, A. and L. Kleinrock and M. Gerla. A Highly Reliable, Distributed Loop Network Architecture. In Proceedings of Tenth International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing (Kyoto, Japan, October 1980), p. 319--324.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  153. Kleinrock, L. and C.W. Tseng. Flow Control Based on Limiting Permit Generation Rates. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computer Communication (Atlanta, Georgia, October 1980), p. 785--790.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  154. Kleinrock, L. and Y. Yemini. Interfering Queueing Processes in Packet Switched Broadcast Communication. In Information Processing 80, Proceedings of IFIP Congress 80 (Tokyo, Japan, October 1980), p. 557--562.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  155. Kleinrock, L.. Analysis and Design Issues Addressed at ICCC 78. In Computer Networks (1980), vol. 4, p. 175--185.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  156. Kamoun, F. and L. Kleinrock. Analysis of Shared Finite Storage in a Computer Network Node Environment under General Traffic Conditions. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1980), vol. COM-28, p. 992--1003.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  157. Kleinrock, L. and M. Scholl. Packet Switching in Radio Channels: New Conflict-Free Multiple Access Schemes. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1980), vol. COM-28, p. 1015--1029.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  158. Gerla, M. and L. Kleinrock. Flow Control: A Comparative Survey. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1980), vol. COM-28, p. 553-574. (Also published in Computer Network Architectures and Protocols, P. Greed, Ed., Plenum Press, pp. 361-412, 1982.)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  159. Kermani, P. and L. Kleinrock. Dynamic Flow Control in Store and Forward Computer Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1980), vol. COM-28, p. 263--271.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  160. Kleinrock, L. and P. Kermani. Static Flow Control in Store and Forward Computer Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1980), vol. COM-28, p. 271--279.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  161. Grnarov, A. and L. Kleinrock and M. Gerla. A New Algorithm for Symbolic Reliability Analysis of Computer-Communications Networks. In Pacific Telecommunications Conference Proceedings (Honolulu, Hawaii, January 1980), p. 1A11-19.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  162. Silvester, J. and L. Kleinrock. On the Capacity of One-Hop ALOHA Packet Radio Networks with Adjustable Transmission Power. In Pacific Telecommunications Conference Proceedings (Honolulu, Hawaii, January 1980), p. 1A-25 to 1A-31.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  163. Kleinrock, L. and F. Kamoun. Optimal Clustering Structures for Hierarchical Topological Design of Large Computer Networks. In Networks (1980), vol. 10, p. 221--248.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  164. Grnarov, A. and L. Kleinrock and M. Gerla. A New Algorithm for Network Reliability Computation. In Computer Networking Symposium Proceedings (Gaithersburg, Maryland, December 1979), p. 17--20.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  165. Kamoun, F. and L. Kleinrock. Stochastic Performance Evaluation of Hierarchical Routing for Large Networks. In Computer Networks (1979), vol. 3, p. 337--353.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  166. Molle, M. and L. Kleinrock. Analysis of Concentrated ALOHA Satellite Links. In Proceedings of the Sixth Data Communications Symposium (Pacific Grove, California, November 1979).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  167. Kleinrock, L.. On a New Class of Queueing Models for Distributed Environments. In Proceedings of Ninth International Teletraffic Congress (Torremolinos, Spain, October 1979).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  168. Kermani, P. and L. Kleinrock. Virtual Cut-through: A New Computer Communication Switching Technique. In Computer Networks (1979), vol. 3, p. 267--286.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  169. Kleinrock, L.. Power and Deterministic Rules of Thumb for Probabilistic Problems in Computer Communications. In Conference Record, International Conference on Communications (Boston, Massachusetts, June 1979), p. 43.1.1--43.1.10.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  170. Scholl, M. and L. Kleinrock. On a Mixed Mode Multiple Access Scheme for Packet-Switched Radio Channels. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1979), p. 906--911.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  171. Kermani, P. and L. Kleinrock. A Tradeoff Study of Switching Systems. In Conference Record, International Conference On Communications (Boston, Massachusetts, June 1979), p. 20.4.1--20.4.8.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  172. Yemini, Y. and L. Kleinrock. On a General Rule for Access Control or Silence is Golden.... In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Flow Control in Computer Networks (Versailles, France, February 1979), p. 335--347.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  173. Silvester, J. and L. Kleinrock. On the Capacity of Aloha Packet Radio Networks for Local Traffic Matrices. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (Honolulu, Hawaii, January 1979), p. 231--237.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  174. Kleinrock, L.. On Resource Sharing in a Distributed Communication Environment. In IEEE Communications Magazine (1979), vol. 17, p. 27--34.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  175. Kleinrock, L. and P. Kermani. A Network Algebra for the Performance Evaluation of Interconnected Networks. In Conference Record, National Telecommunications Conference (Birmingham, Alabama, December 1978), p. 44.1.1--44.1.6.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  176. Kleinrock, L. and J. Silvester. Optimum Transmission Radii for Packet Radio Networks or Why Six is a Magic Number. In Conference Record, National Telecommunications Conference (Birmingham, Alabama, December 1978), p. 4.3.1--4.3.5.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  177. Kleinrock, L.. Principles and Lessons in Packet Communications. In Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Packet Communications (November 1978), vol. 66, p. 1320--1329. (Also presented at WESCON/79, San Francisco, California and published in the proceedings.)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  178. Kleinrock, L. and M. Gerla. On the Measured Performance of Packet Satellite Access Schemes. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Communication (Kyoto, Japan, September 1978), p. 535--542.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  179. Kleinrock, L. and Y. Yemini. An Optimal Adaptive Scheme for Multiple Access Broadcast Communication. In Conference Record, International Conference on Communications (Toronto, Ontario, June 1978), vol. I, p. 7.2.1--7.2.5.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  180. Tobagi, F. and L. Kleinrock. The Effect of Acknowledgment Traffic on the Capacity of Packet-Switched Radio Channels. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1978), vol. COM-26, p. 815-825.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  181. Kleinrock, L.. On Flow Control in Computer Networks. In Conference Record, Proceedings of the International Conference on Communications (Toronto, Ontario, June 1978), vol. II, p. 27.2.1--27.2.5.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  182. Gerla, M. and L. Nelson and L. Kleinrock. Packet Satellite Multiple Access: Models and Measurements. In Conference Record, National Telecommunications Conference (Los Angeles, California, December 1977), p. 12.2/1--12.2/8.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  183. Tobagi, F. and L. Kleinrock. Packet Switching in Radio Channels: Part IV--Stability Considerations and Dynamic Control in Carrier Sense Multiple Access. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1977), vol. COM-25, p. 1103-1119.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  184. Gerla, M. and L. Kleinrock. Closed Loop Stability Controls for S-Aloha Satellite Communications. In Proceedings of the Fifth Data Communications Symposium (Snowbird, Utah, September 1977), p. 2.10--2.19.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  185. Kleinrock, L.. Performance of Distributed Multi-Access Computer-Communication Systems. In Information Processing 77, Proceedings of IFIP Congress 77 (Toronto, Canada, August 1977), p. 547--552.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  186. Kleinrock, L. and M. Scholl. Packet Switching in Radio Channels: New Conflict-Free Multiple Access Schemes for a Small Number of Data Users. In Conference Record, International Conference on Communications (Chicago, Illinois, June 1977), vol. 2, p. 22.1-105 to 111.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  187. Kermani, P. and L. Kleinrock. Analysis of Buffer Allocation Schemes in a Multiplexing Node. In Conference Record, International Conference on Communications (Chicago, Illinois, June 1977), vol. 2, p. 30.4-269 to 275.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  188. Kleinrock, L. and F. Kamoun. Hierarchical Routing for Large Networks, Performance Evaluation and Optimization. In Computer Networks (1977), vol. 1, p. 155--174.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  189. Gerla, M. and L. Kleinrock. On the Topological Design of Distributed Computer Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1977), vol. COM-25, p. 48--60.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  190. Kleinrock, L.. On Communications and Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Computers, 25th Anniversary Issue (1976), vol. C-25, p. 1326--1335.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  191. Naylor, W. and L. Kleinrock. On Effect of Periodic Routing Updates in Packet-Switched Networks. In Conference Record, National Telecommunications Conference (Dallas, Texas, November 1976), p. 16.2/1--16.2/7.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  192. Kleinrock, L. and F. Kamoun. Data Communications through Large Packet-Switching Networks. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Teletraffic Congress (Sydney, Australia, November 1976), p. 521/1--521/10.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  193. Tobagi, F. and L. Kleinrock. Packet Switching in Radio Channels: Part III---Polling and (Dynamic) Split-Channel Reservation Multiple Access. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1976), vol. COM-24, p. 832-844.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  194. Tobagi, F. and S. Lieberson and L. Kleinrock. On Measurement Facilities in Packet Radio Systems. In AFIPS Conference Proceedings, National Computer Conference (New York, June 1976), p. 589--596.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  195. Kleinrock, L.. ARPANET Lessons. In Conference Record, International Conference on Communications (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 1976), p. 20/1--20/6.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  196. Tobagi, F. and L. Kleinrock. On the Analysis and Simulation of Buffered Packet Radio Systems. In Proceedings of the Ninth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (Honolulu, Hawaii, January 1976), p. 42-45.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  197. Kamoun, F. and L. Kleinrock. Analysis of Shared Storage in a Computer Network Environment. In Proceedings of the Ninth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (Honolulu, Hawaii, January 1976), p. 89--92.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  198. Kleinrock, L. and F. Tobagi. Packet Switching in Radio Channels: Part I---Carrier Sense Multiple-Access Modes and Their Throughput-Delay Characteristics. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1975), vol. COM-23, p. 1400-1416. (Also, "Multiple Access Communications, Foundations for Emerging Technologies", Norman Abramson (Ed), IEEE Press, 1992, pp. 272-288.) ACM inaugural SIGMOBILE Test of Time award 2016   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  199. Tobagi, F. and L. Kleinrock. Packet Switching in Radio Channels: Part II---the Hidden Terminal Problem in Carrier Sense Multiple-Access and the Busy-Tone Solution. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1975), vol. COM-23, p. 1417-1433.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  200. Kleinrock, L. and H. Opderbeck. Throughput in the ARPANET---Protocols and Measurement. In Fourth Data Communications Symposium (Quebec City, Canada, October 1975), p. 6-1 to 6-11. (Also in IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. COM-25, pp. 95-104, January 1977.)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  201. Lam, S. and L. Kleinrock. Packet Switching in a Multiaccess Broadcast Channel: Dynamic Control Procedures. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1975), vol. COM-23, p. 891--904.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  202. Kleinrock, L. and F. Tobagi. Random Access Techniques for Data Transmission over Packet Switched Radio Channels. In AFIPS Conference Proceedings, National Computer Conference (Anaheim, California, May 1975), vol. 44, p. 187--201.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  203. Lam, S. and L. Kleinrock. Dynamic Control Schemes for a Packet Switched Multi-Access Broadcast Channel. In AFIPS Conference Proceedings, National Computer Conference (Anaheim, California, May 1975), vol. 44, p. 143--153.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  204. Kleinrock, L. and S. Lam. Packet Switching in a Multiaccess Broadcast Channel: Performance Evaluation. In IEEE Transactions on Communications (1975), vol. COM-23, p. 410--423.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  205. Kleinrock, L.. On Giant Stepping in Packet Radio Networks. In UCLA, Packet Radio Temporary Note #5, Prt 136 (1975).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  206. Kleinrock, L.. Practical Queueing Techniques for Efficient I/O. In Input/Output, Infotech State of the Art Report 22 (Berkshire, England, 1975), p. 191--215.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  207. Kleinrock, L.. On the Impact of Computer Networks. In Collective Phenomena and the Applications of Physics to Other Fields of Science, (Proceedings of seminar to have been held in Moscow, USSR, July 1974), Brain Research Publications (Fayetteville, New York, 1975), p. 294-303.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  208. Opderbeck, H. and L. Kleinrock. The Influence of Control Procedures on the Performance of Packet-Switched Networks. In Conference Record, National Telecommunications Conference (San Diego, California, December 1974), p. 810--817.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  209. Kleinrock, L. and W. Naylor and H. Opderbeck. A Study of Line Overhead in the Arpanet. In Proceedings of the IIASA Conference on Computer Communication Networks (Schloss Laxenburg, Austria, October 1974), p. 87-109. (Also in Communications of the ACM, Vol. 19, pp. 3-12, January 1976)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  210. Kleinrock, L.. Resource Allocation in Computer Systems and Computer Communication Networks. In Information Processing 74, Proceedings of IFIP Congress 74 (Stockholm, Sweden, August 1974), p. 11--18.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  211. Kleinrock, L.. Research Areas in Computer Communication. In ACM SIGCOMM, Computer Communication Review (1974), vol. 1, p. 1-4. (ACM SIGCOMM Test of Time Paper Award)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  212. Kleinrock, L. and F. Tobagi. Carrier Sense Multiple Access for Packet Switched Radio Channels. In Conference Record, International Conference on Communications (Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 1974), p. 21B/1--21B/7.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  213. Kleinrock, L. and W. Naylor. On Measured Behavior of the ARPA Network. In AFIPS Conference Proceedings, National Computer Conference (Chicago, Illinois, May 1974), vol. 43, p. 767--780.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  214. Kleinrock, L. and S. Lam. On Stability of Packet Switching in a Random Multi-Access Broadcast Channel. In Computer Nets, A Supplement to the Proceedings of the Seventh Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (Honolulu, Hawaii, January 1974), p. 74-77.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  215. Kleinrock, L.. Analytical Techniques for Computer-Communication Networks. In Computers and Communications, Proceedings of the Joint IBM - University of Newcastle upon Tyne Seminar, Tyne Seminar, University of Newcastle upon Tyne (England, September 1973), p. 63--90.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  216. Kleinrock, L.. Challenging Problems in the Design of Computer-Communication Networks. In Proceedings of the Twentieth International Meeting of the Institute of Management Sciences (Tel Aviv, Israel, June 1973), p. 152--158.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  217. Kleinrock, L. and S. Lam. Packet Switching in a Slotted Satellite Channel. In AFIPS Conference Proceedings, National Computer Conference (New York, June 1973), vol. 42, p. 703--710.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  218. Kleinrock, L. and Hsu, J.. A Continuum of Computer Processor-Sharing Queueing Models. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Teletraffic Congress (Stockholm, Sweden, June 1973), p. 431/1--431/6.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  219. Fratta, L. and M. Gerla and L. Kleinrock. The Flow Deviation Method: An Approach to Store-and-Forward Communication Network Design. In Networks (1973), vol. 3, p. 97--133.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  220. Kleinrock, L.. Computer Network Design Principles Derived from Experience and Measurements on the ARPA Network. In Summary in Proceedings of the International Telemetering Conference (Los Angeles, California, October 1972), vol. 1, p. 440--441.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  221. Kleinrock, L.. Performance Models and Measurements of the Arpa Computer Network. In ONLINE 72 Conference Proceedings (Uxbridge, Middlesex, England, September 1972), vol. 2, p. 61-85. (Also in Computer Communication Networks, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Series, Noordhoof, Leyden, The Netherlands, pp. 63-87, 1975.)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  222. Kleinrock, L. and R. Muntz. Processor Sharing Queueing Models of Mixed Scheduling Disciplines for Time Shared Systems. In Journal of the ACM (1972), vol. 19, p. 464--482.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  223. Frank, H. and R. Kahn and L. Kleinrock. Computer Communication Network Design---Experience with Theory and Practice. In AFIPS Conference Proceedings, Spring Joint Computer Conference (Atlantic City, New Jersey, May 1972), vol. 40, p. 255-270. (Also in Networks, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 135--166, 1972)   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  224. Kleinrock, L. and R. Muntz and J. Hsu. Tight Bounds on the Average Response Time for Processor-Sharing Models of Time-Shared Computer Systems. In Information Processing 71, Proceedings of IFIP Congress 71 (Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, August 1971), vol. 1, p. 124--133.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  225. Fultz, G. and L. Kleinrock. Adaptive Routing Techniques for Store-and-Forward Computer-Communication Networks. In Conference Record, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (Montreal, Canada, June 1971), p. 39/1--39/8.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  226. Ziegler, J. and L. Kleinrock. Nodal Blocking in Large Networks. In Conference Record, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (Montreal, Canada, June 1971), p. 39-9 to 39-15.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  227. Kleinrock, L.. Delay in Communication and Computer Networks. In IEEE International Convention Digest (New York, March 1971), p. 304--305.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  228. Kleinrock, L. and K. Stevens. Fisheye: A Lenslike Computer Display Transformation. In (1971).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  229. Kleinrock, L. and R. Muntz and E. Rodemich. The Processor-Sharing Queueing Model for Time-Shared Systems with Bulk Arrivals. In Networks (1971), vol. 1, p. 1--13.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  230. Kleinrock, L. and R. Muntz. Multilevel Processor-Sharing Queueing Models for Time-Shared Systems. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Teletraffic Congress (Munich, Germany, September 1970), p. 341/1-341/8.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  231. Kleinrock, L.. Swap Time Considerations in Time-Shared Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Computers (1970), vol. C-19, p. 534--540.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  232. Kleinrock, L.. A Continuum of Time-Sharing Scheduling Algorithms. In AFIPS Conference Proceedings, Spring Joint Computer Conference (Atlantic City, New Jersey, May 1970), vol. 36, p. 453--458.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  233. Kleinrock, L.. Analytic and Simulation Methods in Computer Network Design. In AFIPS Conference Proceedings, Spring Joint Computer Conference (Atlantic City, New Jersey, May 1970), vol. 36, p. 569-579.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  234. Kleinrock, L.. Comparison of Solution Methods for Computer Network Models. In Conference Record, IEEE Computers and Communications (Rome, New York, September 1969), p. 295-303.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  235. Kleinrock, L.. On Swap Time in Time-Shared Systems. In IEEE Computer Group Conference Digest (Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 1969), p. 37--41.       [BibTex]
  236. Kleinrock, L.. Models for Computer Networks. In Conference Record, IEEE International Conference on Communications (Boulder, Colorado, June 1969), p. 21/9--21/16.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  237. Katzenstein, H. and L. Kleinrock and A. Stubberud and S. Friedland. Application of the Mathematical Theory of Sequential Sampling to Gamma Scanning in Nuclear Medicine. In Mathematical Biosciences (1969), vol. 4, p. 499--530.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  238. Leonard Kleinrock. T.V. Data Compression by a Decaying Slope Threshold Method. In Proceedings of the Second Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (Honolulu, Hawaii, January 1969), p. 49--52.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  239. E.G. Coffman and Kleinrock,L.. Feedback Queueing Models for Time-Shared Systems. In Journal of the ACM (1968), vol. 15, p. 549--576.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  240. Leonard Kleinrockl. Certain Analytic Results for Time-Shared Processors. In Proceedings of the International Federation for Information Processing Congress (also printed in North Holland Publishing Company - Amsterdam 1969 pp. 838-845) (Edinburg, Scotland, August 1968), p. D119--D125.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  241. Leonard Kleinrock. Some Results on the Design of Communication Nets. In Conference Record, International Conference on Communications (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 1968), p. 699--705.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  242. Coffman, E. and Leonard Kleinrock. Computer Scheduling Methods and Their Countermeasures. In AFIPS Conference Proceedings (Atlantic City, New Jersey, April 1968), vol. 32, p. 11--21.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  243. Leonard Kleinrock. Some Recent Results for Time-Shared Processors. In Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (Honolulu, Hawaii, January 1968), p. 756--759.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  244. Leonard Kleinrock and E. Coffman. Distribution of Attained Service for Time-Shared Systems. In Journal of Computers and System Science (1967), vol. 1, p. 287--298.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  245. Estrin, G. and Leonard Kleinrock. Measures, Models and Measurements for Time-Shared Computer Utilities. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second National Conference of the ACM (Washington, D.C., August 1967), p. 85--96.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  246. Coffman, E. and Leonard Kleinrock. Some Feedback Queueing Models for Time-Shared Systems. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Teletraffic Congress (New York, June 1967), vol. 1, p. 288--304.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  247. I. Jacobs and Leonard Kleinrock. Prefix Coding of Histograms for Minimal Storage. In IEEE Transactions on Communication Technology (1967), vol. COM-15.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  248. Leonard Kleinrock. Time-Shared Systems: A Theoretical Treatment. In Journal of the ACM (1967), vol. 14, p. 242--261.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  249. Leonard Kleinrock and R. Finklestein. Time Dependent Priority Queues. In Operations Research (1967), vol. 15, p. 104--116.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  250. Leonard Kleinrock. Optimum Bribing for Queue Position. In Operations Research (1967), vol. 15, p. 304--318.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  251. Leonard Kleinrock. Queueing with Strict and Lag Priority Mixtures. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Operational Research Societies (Boston, Massachusetts, August 1966), p. 921--934.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  252. Leonard Kleinrock. Sequential Processing Machines (SPM) Analyzed with a Queueing Theory Model. In Journal of the ACM (1966), vol. 13.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  253. Leonard Kleinrock. Theory of Queues Applied to Time-Shared Computer Systems. In Proceedings of the IEEE Region Six Conference Record (Tucson, Arizona, April 1966), p. 491--500.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  254. L. Kleinrock. Theory of Queues Applied to Time-Shared Computer Systems. In IEEE Region 6 Conference Record (1966).   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  255. Leonard Kleinrock. A Conservation Law for a Wide Class of Queueing Disciplines. In Naval Research Logistics Quarterly (1965), vol. 12.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  256. Leonard Kleinrock. A Delay Dependent Queue Discipline. In Naval Research Logistics Quarterly (1964), vol. 11.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  257. Leonard Kleinrock. Detection of the Peak of an Arbitrary Spectrum. In IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (1964), vol. IT-10, p. 215--221.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  258. Leonard Kleinrock. Analysis of a Time Shared Processor. In Naval Research Logistics Quarterly (1964), vol. 11, p. 59--73.   [PDF]     [BibTex]
  259. Leonard Kleinrock. Optical Information Handling with Thin Magnetic Films. In Proceedings of the National Electronics Conference (Chicago, Illinois, October 1958), p. 789--797.   [PDF]     [BibTex]