Leonard Kleinrock
Distinguished Professor | Students supervised
1966Edward Coffman (Columbia University, New York, NY)Stochastic Models Of Multiple And Time-Shared Computer Operations 1971Gerald Cole (GEMSANT)Computer Network Measurements: Techniques And Experiments 1971Jack Zeigler (Norwegian University of Life Sciences)Nodal Blocking In Large Networks 1971Juinn Hsu (Lucent Technologies)Analysis Of A Continuum Of Processor-Sharing Models For Time-Shared Computer Systems 1972Gary Fultz (TRW)Adaptive Routing Techniques For Store-and-Forward Message Switching Computer-Communication Networks 1972William A. Dobieski (Deceased)Closed Cyclic Queues 1973Mario Gerla (University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA)The Design Of Store And Forward Networks 1974Fouad A. Tobagi (Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA)Packet Switching In Radio Communication Networks 1974Simon Lam (University of Texas, Austin, Austin, TX)Computer Data Communication: Packet Switching In A Random Multi-Access Channel 1975Farouk Kamoun (Sesame University, Tunis, Tunisia)Design Considerations For Large Computer Communication Networks 1976Michel Scholl (Deceased)Multiplexing Techniques For Data Transmission Over Packet-Switched Radio Systems 1976Zipora Erlich (The Open University of Israel, Raanana, Israel)The Behavior Of Buses Collecting Poisson Arrivals 1977Gideon Y. Akavia (Center for Military Analyses, Haifa, Israel)Hierarchical Organization Of Packet Switched Distributed Communication Systems 1977Naylor, William E. (Citicorp Development Center)Real-Time Communication In Packet Switched Networks 1977Parviz Kermani (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Yorktown Heights, NY)Switching And Flow Techniques In Computer COmmunications Networks 1979Yechiam Yemini (Columbia University, New York, NY)On Channel Sharing In Discrete-Time Multiaccess Broadcast Communication 1980John Silvester (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA)On The Spatial Capacity Of Packet Radio Networks 1981Chong-Wei Tseng (Unknown)Flow Control In Packet Switching Computer Communication Networks 1981Mart L. Molle (University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA)Unifications And Extensions Of The Multiple Access Communications Problems 1981Randolph D. Nelson (OTA Limited Partnership)Channel Access Protocols For Multihop Packet Radio Networks 1983H. Richard Gail (IBM T.J. Watson)On Power And The Optimization Of Computer Network Power 1983Hideaki Takagi (University of Tsukuba)Analysis Of Throughput And Delay For Multi-Hop Packet Radio Networks 1984Hanoch Levy (Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel)Non-Uniform Structures & Synchronization Patterns In Shared Channel Communication Networks 1984Kenneth Kung (Raytheon)Concurrency In Parallel Processing Systems 1985Yehuda Afek (Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel)Distributed Algorithms For Unidirectional And Complete Networks 1987Abdelfettah Belghith (Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l'Informatique, Manouba, Tunisia)Response Time And Parallel Processing Systems With Certain Synchronization Constraints 1988Jau-Hsiung Huang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)On The Behavior Of Algorithms In A Multiprocessing Environment 1988Joseph Green (Verisign Inc.)Load Balancing Algorithms In Computer Networks 1989Farid Mehovic (SimplePractice)Performance Modeling Of Concurrency Control 1989Willard Korfhage (Market News International, Chicago, IL)Distributed Systems And Transient Processors 1990Tzung-I Lin (AT&T Bell Laboratories)Performance Analysis Of Multistage Interconnection Networks 1991Robert Felderman (Google, Palo Alto, CA)Performance Analysis Of Distributed Processing Synchronization Algorithms 1991Shioupyn Shen (CloudMosa)The Virtual-Time Data-Parallel Machine 1992Jonathan Lu (Fu Jen Catholic University)Design And Analysis Of Wavelength Division Multiple Access Lightwave Packet Networks 1992Min-Yun Horng (Deceased)Analysis Of Boolean N-Cube Interconnection Networks For Multiprocessor Systems 1994Donna S. Nielson (Globalstar Limited Partnership)Data Structures and Algorithms for Extended State Space and Structural Level Reduction of the GSPN Model 1994Yeh-Ching Tung (Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA)Distributed Control Using Finite State Automata 1996Joel E. Short (Deceased)Auto-porting and Rapid Prototyping with Application to Wireless and Nomadic Network Algorithms 1996Po-Chi Hu (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology)High-speed Local Area Networks Using Wormhole Routing: Modeling and Extensions 1998Christopher Ferguson (Self-Employed, Los Angeles, CA)The Virtual Network Algorithm 1998Christos Kolias (Orange)Analysis and Performance Evaluation of New Architectures in High-Speed Packet Switching 1999Vincent Jen-Wen Tseng (Cisco Systems)Location Tracking of Mobile Hosts in the Internet 1999Zhimei Jiang (Google)Video Smoothing and Transmission of Smoothed Video Over Wireless Channels 2002Anurag Garg (University of Trento, Trento, Italy)Reduction of Latency in the Web using Prefetching and Caching 2005Uny Cao (Platformation, inc, Hangzhou, China)Doubly Ranked Information Retrieval and Area Search 2007Saurabh Tewari (Yahoo! Inc., Sunnyvale, CA)Performance Study of Peer-to-Peer File Sharing 2008Kevin Eustice (Google)Panoply: Active Middleware for Managing Ubiquitous Computing Interactions 2008Ranjit Iyer (Unknown)Probabilistic Distributed Control 2012Rafael Laufer (Bell Labs)2012Vahab Pournaghshband (California State University, Northridge)End-to-end Detectability of a Third Party’s In?uence on Network Flows 2021Seunghyun Yoo ()Analysis and Design of an Incentive Scheme for a Proof-of-Work Blockchain 2024Meng-Jung Tsai (Google)Computer Network Optimization Using the Power Metric |